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Fixture for PCBA processing

Hits:1  Add Date:2023/2/24

A, Synthetic stone anti-static tray

Used to support SMT tin printing, mounting and reflow furnace; Whenpassing through the wave furnace, the products need to be wave weldedselectively and shielded with SMT components. Support thin substrates orflexible circuit boards and irregular substrates. Can carry multiple pieces toincrease productivity.


B, All kinds of fixtures, anti-static silica gel plate furnace fixture

Used for PCBA production, repair, router, testing, etc.


The advantages are:

(1) Avoid contact holes from being polluted due to manual contact;

(2) Cover the SMT components at the bottom so that they can be partiallywelded by standard reflow soldering equipment to prevent bending;

(3) Standardize the width of production line;

(4) Using porous fixture to increase production efficiency;

(5) To prevent tin from overflowing and polluting the surface of thesubstrate.


C, SMT consumables

All kinds of handprint tables, scrapers, positioning plates, steel solderpaste stirring knives, anti-static plastic solder paste stirring knives,anti-static inspection sets, BGA plates, BGA ball makers, PCB gold platingliquid (pens), SMT manual vacuum suction pens, SMT nonstandard equipment, toolsand SMT equipment accessories.


D, Steel screen printing

Steel screen printing is the first step in SMT process, which is of greatsignificance in the whole automatic process flow with high accuracy, uniformcoating and high efficiency of the mold. Screen printing includes screenprinting and silk method. In practical application, the steel mesh is mainlyprinted by leakage, and the leakage hole at the pad position of PCB is carvedon the metal template, and three kinds of steel meshes are carved by etching,electroforming and laser.

Electroforming steel mesh is an advanced hole-opening technology that canreplace laser steel mesh at present. Taper hole-opening technology is adopted,and the solder paste is demoulded cleanly, so as to avoid tin connection andtin sticking at the bottom of steel mesh, and the hole-opening accuracy ishigh.

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